Getting Past the Struggles One Step at a Time Where did you come from? Perhaps the question is, who is this “you” we are talking about? Are we talking about your Soul as this “you?” If so, then perhaps we would talk about the journey of your Soul. And perhaps previous lives. The themes of your last several incarnations. Etc. Or perhaps we are talking about your ego. Well, that is quite a different conversation. For this moment, let’s look at your ego. Were your parents fully realized personifications of the Divine? In other words, were your parents without any karma or stigmas? Were your parents performing miracle after miracle as the saviors of the past have promised us all we would all eventually be able to do? My guess is probably … no. Certainly for me, no. My parents had plenty of struggles of their own. But here is…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of a challenge, can be our emotions. We can get into a stuck repetitive cycle with our emotions. But the emotions themselves are a very natural and indifferent phenomenon. You could think of getting stuck in emotional re-actions, like yelling the same phrase into “echo canyon,” expecting to hear something different. When we find a particular emotion getting stirred up, over and over again, we can think that it is the emotions themselves that are creating the problem. But our emotions are a natural response to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes bumping up against “reality.” A response is caused by something. When there is a response, it is a result of something else. Just like the echo itself is like a response of the “echo canyon,”…