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Events in July 2023

  • Living the Life You Love with Les Jensen

    Living the Life You Love with Les Jensen

    July 5, 2023

    Please join us and our guest, Les Jensen, for a show on Living the Life You Love.

    In these times of immense change, it can be challenging to know which way to turn. When the future seems so much "up in the air" it can be difficult to know what we want to focus on, that will bring us what we want. What does the future look like? What will bring us a narrative that sustains and honors us? Both individually and collectively?

    Les Jensen is an author, inspirational speaker, radio host, energy master and visionary, committed to promoting personal empowerment and his life-purpose of being of service to others. In that vein, Les created New Human Living in 2009, and also hosts the New Human Living Global Spiritual Podcast, sharing insightful conversations with guests who are shaping the future of human consciousness.

    Les’ latest book, Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior was published by Balboa Press in July 2018. His other books include Citizen King: The New Age of Power and Personal Power Fundamentals. To learn more visit and

  • Journey to Enlightenment with Les Jensen

    Journey to Enlightenment with Les Jensen

    July 12, 2023

    Please join us and our guest, Les Jensen, for a show on the Journey to Enlightenment.

    What are you seeking? Are you on your spiritual path? Where is that "taking you?" What will you do ... once you get there? Will your life be "better" there? Listen in as New Human Living Global Spiritual Podcast host, Les Jensen, talks about the journey to enlightenment ... what it is, and perhaps more important, what it isn't.

    Les Jensen is an author, inspirational speaker, radio host, energy master and visionary, committed to promoting personal empowerment and his life-purpose of being of service to others. In that vein, Les created New Human Living in 2009, and also hosts the New Human Living Global Spiritual Podcast, sharing insightful conversations with guests who are shaping the future of human consciousness.

    Les’ latest book, Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior was published by Balboa Press in July 2018. His other books include Citizen King: The New Age of Power and Personal Power Fundamentals. To learn more visit and

  • Transcendental Judaism with David Lieberman

    Transcendental Judaism with David Lieberman

    July 19, 2023

    Please join us and our guest, David Lieberman, for a show on Transcendental Judaism: Enlivening the Eternal Within to Uplift Ourselves and Our World. Is it really possible to connect with God? Can we find spirituality in Judaism? The answer to both these questions is yes. Traditionally, Judaism teaches that we connect with God through the performance of the commandments, the mitzvot (from the Aramaic word tzavta meaning connection). But what if we are not mitzvah-observant in the traditional ways? Can we still experience a palpable closeness to God and have a sense that we are all connected as one?

    Transcendental Judaism addresses these and other questions through an inclusive theology based on the shared teachings of Torah and Kabbalah—that all existence arises from “no-thingness”, and that no-thingness is the essential makeup of all creation. Over time, the repeated experience of our transcendental nature stabilizes its qualities in our awareness, allowing us to fulfill the elusive commandments to “cleave to God” and “love your neighbor as yourself,” thus uplifting ourselves and transforming our world.

    David was raised in a Reform Jewish household and began to immerse himself in Torah in 2003. He trained as a spiritual director, someone who accompanies others on their spiritual journeys. He’s served as chairman of the board of Valley Beit Midrash, a nonprofit committed to pluralistic, forward-thinking Jewish learning, driving social activism and engaging the next generation of leaders ( For 35 years, both as an elementary school teacher and as a management consultant, David has been successfully introducing new concepts to his audiences: clearly, concisely, and using plain language.

  • The Many Faces of Karma with Les Jensen

    The Many Faces of Karma with Les Jensen

    July 26, 2023

    Please join us and New Human Living Global Spiritual Podcast host, Les Jensen, as he talks about The Many Faces of Karma.

    Got karma? So, what exactly is karma? How does it influence us? What are we to do about it?

    When we want to make lasting changes in our life, we can often bump up against incompatible karma in our psyche. How can we embrace it? How can we cleanse and release it? Les will take a deeper look at just what karma is, and what we might do with it.

    Les Jensen is an author, inspirational speaker, radio host, energy master and visionary, committed to promoting personal empowerment and his life-purpose of being of service to others. In that vein, Les created New Human Living in 2009, and also hosts the New Human Living Global Spiritual Podcast, sharing insightful conversations with guests who are shaping the future of human consciousness.

    Les’ latest book, Forgiven Sinner: God’s Last Savior was published by Balboa Press in July 2018. His other books include Citizen King: The New Age of Power and Personal Power Fundamentals. To learn more visit and