The calendar of New Human Living® Events.

Week of Mar 27th

  • Your Will, Divine Will with Les Jensen

    Your Will, Divine Will with Les Jensen

    March 29, 2017

    Les Jensen

    Please join us for a conversation about "Your Will, Divine Will" with New Human Living radio show host Les Jensen, who is also an author, and founder of New Human Living.

    For so many of us, God alone has the power to transform our human condition. Yet here we sit, in 2017,  with war, suffering and struggle being a very real part of our human story. What is God waiting for? If God is indeed the almighty, what gives?

    It is your will and my will that will make the difference. God alone will not solve our human suffering. Yet we can feel disconnected and powerless to the headlines we read. Where does our will and the will of God actually meet? What can we do, within our own human nature, to make a difference in the world today?

    Join our Host, Les Jensen, as we discuss your Will and how it relates to Divine Will. And a passionate discussion of our own Divinity and how it relates to the transformation of our human condition. We, the people, are the vehicle of the Divine.

    To learn more please visit and