The calendar of New Human Living® Events.

Week of Mar 25th

  • Hope and Heart: A Quantum Leap into the Aquarian Age with Phoenix Rose

    Hope and Heart: A Quantum Leap into the Aquarian Age with Phoenix Rose

    March 27, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Phoenix Rose, for a show on her book, Hope and Heart: A Quantum Leap into the Aquarian Age, an inspirational, multi-faceted poetry and prose anthology about love, nature, optimism, self-reflection, and a new understanding of consciousness and science through Quantum physics. Phoenix, who believes in the innate goodness of people, says she wrote this book, “To encourage others to trust in themselves, never give up, and always have hope.” She emphasizes that the new Aquarian Age will bring challenging changes; and that by following one's intuition, aka a 'Quantum leap', it can lead to positive creative choices, individually and collectively. HOPE, she wrote, may be an acronym for Holding Only Positive Expectations, and with HEART – Harmonious Empathy Always Rings True.

    Phoenix Rose, a lover of science and nature, is an author and 50-year student of metaphysics, a member and one-time regional officer of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, and a passionate advocate for preservation of the global ecology. She has an Associate of Arts and Sciences degree from North Lake College near Dallas, Texas, and at the University of Texas at Arlington, was inducted into the Alpha Chi Scholastic Honor Society. A writer, artist, student of life, and perennial volunteer, she studied astrology in the 1970s with Arlene Kramer, Uranian astrologer and former president of the American Federation of Astrologers, and later studied with Mae R. Wilson-Ludlam, PMAFA. In Ontario, Phoenix is a member of several local community groups—one for Climate Action, another to preserve nearby wetlands, and two writers’ groups. She has developed and facilitated numerous community workshops on metaphysical and spiritual topics. Learn more at