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Week of Mar 20th

  • Exploring Your End-of-Life Options with Elizabeth Uslander

    Exploring Your End-of-Life Options with Elizabeth Uslander

    March 20, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Elizabeth Uslander, for a show on Exploring Your End-of-Life Options. Elizabeth and Dr. Bob Uslander co-founded Empowered Endings, a unique palliative and end-of-life care model addressing the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of patients and families. Together, they are on a mission to transform the end-of-life experience, helping individuals and their loved ones move beyond fear and discomfort when facing a serious illness or the end of life so they can live as full, present, and peaceful as possible, until their last breath.

    This includes such topics as: De-institutionalizing dying, care options, no one-size-fits-all; MAID (medical aid in dying), only available in 11 States; Physicians supporting MAID, specialized training for end-of-life-care; Emphasizing open, honest conversations about mortality's significance; Planning's value: stress reduction, anxiety relief, enabling living more fully.

    Elizabeth Uslander, MSW MTS, received her BA cum laude from Georgetown University, and was inducted into the Theta Alpha Kappa Honor Society before going on to earn her Master's degrees cum laude with distinguished honors at University of Southern California, and Wesley Theological Seminary, specializing in social work and spiritual counseling. Bob Uslander, MD, received his Medical Degree from the UCLA Geffen School of Medicine and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. He has since practiced medicine in Emergency, Palliative and End of Life Care for over 30 years. Learn more at