The calendar of New Human Living® Events.

Week of May 1st

  • Into the Heart of the Infinite, with Maetreyii Ma Nolan, PhD

    Into the Heart of the Infinite, with Maetreyii Ma Nolan, PhD

    May 1, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Maetreyii Ma Nolan, PhD, for a show on Into the Heart of the Infinite: A Spiritual Memoir of an Extraordinary Mystical Journey. Ever wonder what it would be like to have one foot in the state of ecstatic love and spiritual bliss, and the other in the practical everyday world—and those be totally integrated? That's the evolutionary endpoint of Maetreyii Ma Nolan's remarkable story of personal transformation. 

    Maetreyii Ma is an award-winning author, psychologist, and spiritual teacher who has developed a worldwide following, bringing forth the deep wisdom that manifests to her both through her inner guide, Baba, and in her guru, the renowned Indian mystic Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Baba. But here's where this gets really interesting! The Baba that has loved and guided her throughout her long life is the all-knowing spiritual consciousness that embodies in divine love and speaks to and, in recent years, through her. And while she met and lived in the ashram of the living Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Baba in India for eight months before he passed from this earth, the immortal spiritual consciousness he embodied has been side-by-side with her since her college years—long before she met him and after!

    Through many unexpected mystical footsteps, Maetreyii Ma sought to naturally return to a state of divine love she had experienced before, yet wavering between worlds, she was fearful. How Baba brings Maetreyii Ma gently to the place where she could embody his Shakti divine energy and deliver it to others while being his voice in person, in books, and more – is the power and process by which Maetreyii Ma discovers how to bring her two worlds together. Learn more at