Events in April 2024

  • Spirit Guide Invocations, with Billie Topa Tate

    Spirit Guide Invocations, with Billie Topa Tate

    All day
    April 3, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Billie Topa Tate, for a show on Spirit Guide Invocations: Seeking Wisdom from Sacred Helpers, and learn how you can connect, and work with, your sacred guides. Connect to the realm of healing and meet your divine helpers through potent energetic writings called invocations.

    Drawing upon ancient native wisdom learned from her elders, Billie Topa Tate teaches you how to call upon angels, ancestors, and other spiritual beings for guidance and protection. Using the powerful placement of words as an energy tool, you can alleviate stress, resolve past lives, send love to those who have passed, and more. With specific invocations for dozens of purposes, Billie helps you find the right words to transform the energy of nearly any situation. She shares personal stories on her use of invocations and explains the universal principles that make them work. Regardless of your background or experience level, this book will show you how energy can cross time and space to support you.

    Billie Topa Tate (Chicago, IL) is a third-generation Mescalero Apache medicine woman who mentored under her mother, grandmother, and elders. She is an active member of the Native American Center in Chicago. She also owns and operates MSI Wellness, where she offers Reiki and healing sessions as well as teaching classes that help others find their own sacred journeys. For more, visit

  • The Inner Light … and the Beatles, with Joanne DiMaggio

    The Inner Light … and the Beatles, with Joanne DiMaggio

    April 10, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Joanne DiMaggio, for a show on The Inner Light: How the Beatles Planted the Spiritual Seeds in Our Soul. For over 35 years, Joanne DiMaggio MA, CHt, renowned author, speaker and therapist, has pursued a passionate interest in reincarnation research and past-life therapy. Having penned many books on the topic, she is a highly sought-after conference speaker and an acclaimed guest on numerous radio programs and podcasts.

    So why now write a book about the Beatles? “Well, for starters,” says Joanne, “it answers the question of why I became so immersed in the world of esoteric philosophies. In The Inner Light, I recount my years as a Beatles fan club president and my perspective on how the sixties, the music, and the Catholic Church played a role in my own spiritual evolution. And now, as we approach the 60th anniversary of the group’s arrival in New York, it is time to share my story with the millions of others who have been equally and inextricably influenced by this extraordinary group.”

    Joanne explores the band members’ esoteric beliefs, particularly expanded and reflected in their music, after their trip to India to work with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the creator of Transcendental Meditation. Joanne also pieces together group members’ viewpoints on reincarnation, death, past lives, group incarnations, astrology, tarot, numerology, and kundalini energy. She also explores how John Lennon and Paul McCartney used writing in an altered state of consciousness to compose some of their music. At the end of the book Joanne revisits the question of whether the Beatles were the ones responsible for illuminating the path that led her from being a Beatles fan club president to a career as an acclaimed past-life researcher and author. She answers it with a resounding, YES! Learn more at

  • Gods in the Game with Alex Marcoux

    Gods in the Game with Alex Marcoux

    April 17, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Alex Marcoux, for a show on Gods in the Game: Messages on the Awakening and Consciousness Shift. Alex will be joined on the show by Connie, a contributor to this new book, which shares insights on Autism, God, and the New Human. Other contributors include Daniel, a nonspeaking autistic man assisting in humanity’s evolution, and Shauna Kalicki, a medium who channels the Ascended Masters, Cerian, and Ethereal Autists. Connie is Daniel’s mother and a messenger for the Autist Collective.

    Why has the autism rate increased by 50% in four recent years? What does it have to do with the awakening and consciousness shift? Since 2011, Alex Marcoux has researched the Autists, and Gods in the Game offers a unique explanation for this increase. Alex teams up again with Shauna Kalicki, Connie, and Daniel, uncovering new messages from the Masters. Gods in the Game follows their award-winning book Destination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness and provides new insights into the New Human, New Earth, and God.

    Alex is a multi-award-winning author of visionary fiction and spirituality books. She considers herself a truth-seeker and has woven hidden truths into her work, whether writing suspense novels or spirituality books. Since 2011, she has researched the sacred mysteries and magic of autism and its relationship to humanity’s spiritual evolution. These truths are in Alex’s books: Gods in the Game, Destination New Earth, and The Unsuspected Heroes. She has seven books to date. Learn more at

  • Everyday Reiki with Dawn McLaughlin

    Everyday Reiki with Dawn McLaughlin

    April 24, 2024

    Please join us and our guest, Dawn McLaughlin, for a show on Everyday Reiki: A Self-Healing Routine for Mastering the Teachings and Practices of Reiki. Connect to universal healing energy on a personal level with this immersive guide to the teachings and practice of Reiki. Whether you’re a student or seasoned healer, Dawn McLaughlin offers activities that help you strengthen your connection to Reiki energy, develop greater self-awareness, cultivate intuition, improve inner harmony, and more.

    Everyday Reiki guides you from Reiki Level One to Level Three, starting with an in-depth exploration of energy healing theory and foundations. At each level, Dawn presents a forty-day program that features daily wisdom, intention-setting prompts, and various exercises, such as guided journaling, meditations, and chants. You will also learn about self-healing, healing others, psychic senses, spirit guides, chakras, and the elements. With inspiring quotes, guidance on hand positions, and much more, this book covers all the facets of Reiki.

    Dawn is an Author, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Astrologist and Natural Intuitive. Over the past 10 years, she has shared her offerings with others, helping countless individuals achieve deep healing, energetic alignment, and personal empowerment. Dawn’s heartfelt desire is to empower individuals to become active participants in their healing journey, to navigate and celebrate life with more ease and grace, and to release any blocks preventing them from living the lives they are meant to live. Learn more at