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New Human Living Podcasts have a NEW home

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Many of us have likely seen the “Where’s Waldo” cartoon, where we try to locate Waldo in a busy scene where he’s surrounded by many other colorful characters on his busy life adventures.

On that note, perhaps you have recently been wondering, “Where’s Les?” Rest assured he has not donned the red and white striped shirt and hat worn by Waldo : )

But, as we all know, our respective spiritual journeys can take many forms and be met with unexpected surprises. Les’ journey is no different, with his having recently bumped up against some spiritual growth challenges. Though not all the way through them, he is navigating this journey well, in typical Les fine fashion. So, if you’ve noticed no new communications, such as blog posts or podcasts, rest assured Les will be back at it again very soon!

Blessings come in many different forms. May your blessings continue to gracefully unfold, and abound!

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We have a NEW home. As Blog Talk Radio has been our home for over 15 years, across 3 different podcasts over the years. Blog Talk Radio is closing its doors. We have started setting up home on Buzzsprout. All the episodes have moved over. You can check them out here. New Podcast Location.

March 10, 2025