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Do you want to master bringing your true potential into effect?
Would you like to fulfill the vision of your soul?
Can you tap the wisdom of your soul and live the exceptional life?
Dare you master the power of your heart and BE the change in the world?
Do you actually believe your dreams are there for a purpose?
Can you show up for them?
Citizen King: The New Age of Power
Will you embrace the bold ideas of your
heart and soul, and trust that there is a
way for them to manifest? Can you do
this from a place of personal forgiveness
and compassion? When you master that,
you start to purify your own heart, the
source of your authentic power. When
you put action to your inspiration, you
give your soul influence in your own life.
Excellent Read:
“This book gave me a step by step method by which to gain personal power. It is the first book of this type that got out of the etherical realm and gave nuts and bolts. I would recommend this book to everyone, but especially anyone who is stuck and needs to find a path forward. I never even knew that personal power was something I needed. Turns out, it can dramatically change every aspect of your life.”
~ John H.
Reclaiming and Empowering Ourselves Once Again!
“This wonderful book has clarified many complex areas for me. The book provides foundational knowledge about the true nature of who we really are, and how we are to navigate our way through the twists and turns of being human. Les Jensen is the teacher of our times, especially in these times of constant Shifting into a new way of being.”
Vanita L.
5.0 out of 5 stars This is a Must Read for Anyone interested in Stepping into their Authentic Self and Fulfilling a Meaningful Life of Purpose:
“In a recent blog I posted on my website I confessed to having been a serious co-dependent. Much to, I’m sure my husband’s dismay! But We live in a society that perpetuates this quality and so I know I am not alone in this experience. But what does co-dependency look like? How does it play itself out in our lives? For me it was like a vortex that drew the life force right out of me. Thankfully through the reflective mindful awareness training, over time I began to let go of this dysfunctional pattern, I recognized that co-dependency kept me small, disempowered and oppressed, and it drained an incredible amount of energy that I could have been putting towards my own growth, health, freedom, and personal power. In essence it kept me from becoming who I was meant to become and it kept me from expressing my own unique gifts with the world.
Personal sovereignty, agency, and personal power are qualities that so many millions of us have lost over the course of our lives but because every single one of us was born with these qualities, we have access to them at any time. It is only that we need to unlearn certain things that are perpetuated in our society and we need to learn other things that can help us amplify our own unique geniuses because every single one of us has within us a wellspring of power and when more and more of us move into an expression of our lives that is authentically us, we will begin to co-create the more beautiful world we all know in our heart’s is possible. Thankfully, Les Jensen’s book Citizen King came into my life at just the right moment and was a key component in my decision to create Revolutionary Wellness Talk Radio. There is such a profound clarity to his message and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone interested in accessing and expressing his or her own personal power and healing dysfunctional egoic tendencies.” ~ Rochelle Mclaughlin
Experience the pure joy that your spirit desires …
“Citizen King is a Chicken Soup, The Secret, Three Feet from Gold,
Outwitting the Devil, reader ‘must have.’ Some books are for the head.
Some are for the heart. Others are for entertainment. And a few, a very
few, pierce the soul. I recommend that all of my readers, and famous
publication fans, read Les Jensen’s Citizen King as a cell phone recharge
to full bars for your spirit and soul. While reading this book, you will
experience the pure joy that your spirit desires, and deserves!”
—Berny Dohrmann, Chairman, CEO SPACE INTERNATIONAL
To find that deep state of joy and satisfaction …
“Les Jensen’s zeal and excitement fill these pages with empowerment. In
his new book, Citizen King: The New Age of Power, you’ll discover amazing
strategies for dissolving boundaries blocking your power. You’ll learn
about the amazing power of acceptance in dispelling negative tendencies.
With the help of this book you’ll be able to find that deep state of joy and
satisfaction. Please don’t miss this amazing book!”
—Peter Ragnar, author of Finding Heart:
“Citizen King is a Chicken Soup, The Secret, Three Feet from Gold, Outwitting the Devil, reader ‘must have.’ Some books are for the head. Some are for the heart. Others are for entertainment. And a few, a very few, pierce the soul. I recommend that all of my readers, and famous publication fans, read Les Jensen’s Citizen King as a cell phone recharge to full bars for your spirit and soul. While reading this book, you will experience the pure joy that your spirit desires, and deserves!”
—Berny Dohrmann, Chairman,
“Les Jensen’s zeal and excitement fill these pages with empowerment. In his new book, Citizen King: The New Age of Power, you’ll discover amazing strategies for dissolving boundaries blocking your power. You’ll learn about the amazing power of acceptance in dispelling negative tendencies. With the help of this book you’ll be able to find that deep state of joy and satisfaction. Please don’t miss this amazing book!”
—Peter Ragnar, author of Finding Heart:
How to Live with Courage in a Confusing World
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Founder, Les Jensen
About the Author…
Les Jensen is an author, radio show host and visionary. Les learned about karma, power and happiness from personal experience. He brings a fundamental approach to these teachings. This approach affords absolute freedom in personal fulfillment and satisfaction, conveying a sense of personal sovereignty when it comes to understanding your authentic self. Learn more about Les at LesJensen.com