
weekly blogs


Spend it all, then spend some more Love It! If you were to imagine “building” your dream life, I could ask you “what’s your budget?” I mean, we need to live within our means … right? But wait … what if there were a currency that E-X-P-A-N-D-E-D as you spent it? Where the more you spent, the more of it you had? What then? Introducing “LOVE.” Love is the most curious thing. Not only is it the fabric of all that is, but there is always more of it to be had. Love, at first, is not for rookies. Well, yes it is. But what I mean is, if you have held BIG Love at bay your whole life, Love can be quite an intense experience. I remember moments with Love, that brought me to my knees. Overwhelmed by the massive and intense expansion I was feeling in the moment.…