


The Next Chapter of Our Human Story Are you one of them? One of the millions of Souls who will embody their own Divine potentials? What was the intention of your Soul for this incarnation? The mechanics of Divinity are becoming very common. In other words, there are thousands of awakened people who are explaining the many paths to enlightenment. And perhaps even more intriguing, the power of intention and manifestation. How to create a NEW reality. There is a process or strategy that makes massive change much more manageable. Lets use carbon fuels as an example. If we were to focus on the problem, and perhaps protest the many ways that fossil fuels are damaging our planet, we would be risking a lot. In other words, if we were to focus exclusively on what is wrong, we would be setting ourselves up for real problems. Say that we were…

Walk This Way What is the “right” way to live? Where are you going? What do you intend to experience in the future? Who do you want to be? We are all on a journey … of sorts. I find it quite curious, this notion of ourselves. Who am I? Who are You? As we progress through our lives, we have so many opportunities to change. Some of us are living quite intentional lives. With a clear sense of direction. And others are seeking a firm path to walk on. A clearer sense of who they really are. Nobody had an ego the day they were born. In a sense … there was nobody home. And then we grew an ego. We grew a sense of self. And if we all took a moment and wrote down how we viewed life, we would have many very different views of what…

Playing the Divine Hand There are all kinds of measures of success. Whole arenas of shared collective values that can decide if you have “made it” or not. Images from the tribe that “show” if you have made it or not. Are you a genuine man? What is on the cover of GQ magazine? Are you an authentic woman? Which magazine are you on the cover of? What icons are associated with your “success”? Perhaps it is that PhD or a position on the board of directors. Or maybe an Emmy or Oscar sitting on the mantle. What are you going to use to see if you are honoring your true potential? When we are raised, we are imprinted with our values. Those values were to become the measuring stick of what we accomplish with our life … if we let them. There is no problem at all with this…